Did you see the upcycled fan cover light fixture I shared in this month’s DIY challenge? It’s one of my favorite repurposed projects and it’s added a really fun flair to the hallway. I’m always amazed how easy it is to add a new light fixture to a space. If you missed the projects shared by other bloggers in the challenge, I’ve gathered some of my favorites to share with you. These upcycled DIY wall art projects are all so fun and different and a great way to add a little character, color, and texture to a space!
If your laundry room {or any room in your house} needs a little art, this upcycled window chalkboard sign is a perfect idea! It has me thinking about what I want to do with a window that’s sitting in my garage right now!
I have a deep love for yarn and love that it’s being used so much more in decor now. I can still picture my Mom making large wall weavings when I was growing up and I think they add so much texture and warmth to a room. This DIY yarn wall hanging has such a great boho vibe and it was made with an old crocheted curtain! How brilliant is that?
I often overlook fabric pieces at the thrift store but I’ll have to take a deeper look because this upcycled fabric wall hanging was made from a cloth napkin! It’s a great way to create wall art without having to first sew the background!
I love collecting shells and other natural elements when we’re on vacation {check out my DIY driftwood garland for vacation inspiration!} and this DIY shell shadow box is the perfect way to display those little treasures! This makeover is beautiful … definitely a big improvement from its pig figurine days {wink}!
This is such a clever idea! How many times do you walk by an old canvas at the thrift store? I rarely stop to look but I’ll be scooping up canvases after seeing this DIY thrifted canvas wall art! It looks so modern, can be created with any color palette to match your decor, and it looks amazing!
How many of you have an old hula hoop lying around? Turn it into a hula hoop spring wreath with this simple tutorial! Doesn’t it look great? And even if you don’t have a hula hoop, you can grab one at the dollar store for a very inexpensive way to update your spring decor!
And finally, if you need a new mirror in your space, don’t miss this tutorial for a DIY tiffany mirror made from an actual tiffany lamp! What a fun and incredible transformation and a great way to add a little color to a room!
Are you inspired? Which of these wall art projects would you love to add to your home?
For more home inspiration, be sure to check out these DIY shelf ideas for the home!
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