If you’ve been following any of the posts about my new house, you’ll know that my house is all about color. In the weeks before I moved, practically everything I owned got a coat of spray paint. Not even kidding. One of my favorite makeovers were these painted lockers! Painting and moving them was a last minute decision and I’m so glad I did it!
These old school lockers were an amazing find from quite a few years ago. I happened upon them at a local resale store and got five of them for only thirty dollars! They were super heavy to move and I ended up reducing them down to a set of three in order to be able to get them through my son’s bedroom door. They housed books and other treasures in his room for years.
When I was planning to move, I had decided to leave them behind in the old house. I didn’t want to mess with moving them again and wasn’t sure where I’d use them until I realized they’d fit perfectly in a corner of my laundry room {which also has the entrance into the garage} and work perfectly for storing extra coats, mittens, and sports equipment for my three younger kids.
I removed the top portion to make them easier to move and decided to leave it off. I like the boxy look of the lockers without it. My Dad helped me haul the set into my garage and I quickly painted them yellow about twenty four hours before the movers came! I’m pretty sure the paint was still tacky when the movers loaded them up {smile}. Truthfully, the paint is a bit uneven and they got a little banged up in the move but I’m all about distressed and shabby so they fit right in!
I love the bold yellow and it makes the original hardware stand out even more than it did.
The lockers fit perfectly in the corner …
… and they’re the ideal small space storage for that spot.
I’m so glad I didn’t leave this treasure behind!
Your bright lockers caught my eye because I have a set of three almost identical in my son’s room. We picked them up about 25 years ago and gave them a coat of black. Then more recently my husband made a wood base to raise them up off the floor. I can’t part with them, although I wish I had another spot to use them – I would sooooooo give them a fun new coat of paint!
Did you brush or spray paint these?
I spray painted them. I thought about brushing them but I didn’t want brush strokes and spray painting is so much faster!