The weather has warmed up here in Texas and it’s time to get my backyard pots planted and my herbs growing! I love to fill large pots with herbs and let them grow on the patio all summer long. Last year I marked my pots with painted twig plant markers but this year the herb pots will be marked with wood burned plant markers.
To make these simple garden markers, I used a piece of wood trim {one inch wide} from the stash in my garage and cut it into eight inch lengths. You’ll want to make sure you have enough space to write and extra space to poke the garden marker into the dirt.
Using a hot wood burning tool, I wrote on each piece of wood, labeling the different markers for the various herbs that I’ll grow this summer. If you’re worried about making a mistake, you can lightly mark the text in pencil first.
I love simple so I applied words only to these garden markers but you can obviously make them as detailed as you want. A fancy font would be cute and so would the addition of a design, intricate or otherwise.
Make a different marker for each plant and poke them into the dirt in the pot or garden. These wood burned plant markers take just a few minutes to make but they add a fun touch to the garden … and they’d make a great gift idea for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.
How do you mark your plants?
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