Silk tie dyed Easter eggs are such a fun and novel idea for Easter. If you’re looking for something different and a new egg coloring technique to try this Easter, this idea is not only fun but the result is a pile of gorgeous eggs with fun patterns and colors!
I bought a handful of colorful, old, cheap silk ties at my local thrift store. Used ties are super cheap when thrifted but you can also scour the racks for discarded silk blouses or silk scarves … or hit up your fabric stash for bits of silk. Look for bold colors and fun patterns.
The process to make these eggs is very simple.
Cut the ties into rough squares, large enough to completely cover an egg, then wrap raw eggs in pieces of the silk ties with the printed side of the fabric facing the egg shell. Secure the tie to the egg with an elastic band, and place the eggs in a large pot. Cover the eggs completely with water and three tablespoons of regular white vinegar. Bring the water to a boil, and then let the eggs simmer for twenty minutes.
When the time is up, drain the water from the eggs, let them cool enough to handle, and then carefully unwrap the silk pieces from the eggs.
The eggs are more likely to take on the tie’s design or pattern instead of the tie’s background color so consider that when you’re selecting a tie to use. We had best results with the tie that had the most contrast in it.
This is a fun and unique technique for decorating Easter eggs and something fun to try if you can’t face one more regular egg coloring kit!
For more inspiration for Easter, be sure to check out this collection of egg decorating ideas!
Those are cool. I’ve never seen that before.