I recently shared a reveal of the colorful Christmas tree I decorated for our gameroom and now I want to show you how I made the oversized DIY repurposed punch balloon ornaments. These large decorations add such a whimsical element to the tree and make it perfect for a kids’ space.
To make these colorful ornaments, you’ll need punch balloons {affiliate link} in a variety of colors, silver cupcake wrappers with the paper linings removed, paper cups {with a base the same size as the base of the wrappers}, and scissors.
Cut the base off each paper cup, leaving about 3/4 of an inch on the sides. The sides need to be short enough that it’ll fit in the cupcake wrapper and be hidden from view.
Place the paper cup inside the cupcake wrapper and push it against a flat surface so the two pieces form together …
… and use scissors to poke a small hole in the center.
Blow up a punch balloon, tie it off, and tape the knot against the balloon with clear tape. When you place the ornament on the tree, you’ll want to nestle the knot against the branches so it doesn’t show.
Pull the punch balloon elastic through the hole until the cupcake wrapper sits against the balloon and looks like an ornament top. The elastic will serve as the hanger.
It’s as easy as that. You can make a whole pile of these oversized ornaments in no time and make a playful, colorful Christmas tree of your own!
These are brilliant! I love the whimsy they add to the tree. Great tutorial, thanks!
This is such a cute idea! I love a good repurposed project. Looks great!
This is such an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing it. I’m Anita visiting from Artsy Fartsy Link Party.