Resurrection eggs are one of my favorite Easter traditions and this DIY version is fun to put together and a great way to bring the Easter story to life. I made our set years ago when Elijah and Kenndy were tiny and we’ve been using it ever since. I think having a homemade version makes it even more special to me.
Below are the instructions to make your own set of resurrection eggs and an easy link to a {free} printable that includes the daily Scripture references.
Use an empty egg carton and twelve plastic eggs.
Day 1 contains a piece of bread. Jesus broke the bread and said, “this is my body…”. Luke 22:19
Day 2 contains three dimes. Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Mark 14:11
Day 3 contains a sword {we used a sword from a fancy drink but you could use the knife game piece from Clue}. The soldiers came to get Jesus. They carried swords. John 18:3
Day 4 contains a feather. Peter, Jesus’ friend, said that he didn’t even know Jesus then a rooster crowed just like Jesus had said. Mark 14:16-72
Day 5 contains thorns {we used part of a prickly tumbleweed but you could use a branch from a rose bush}. They made a crown of thorns and put it on Jesus’ head to make fun of him. John 19:2
Day 6 contains a cross {we lashed together two small sticks}. Jesus hung on a cross and died for our sins. John 19:18
Day 7 contains a sponge. The soldiers offered Jesus a drink on a sponge. John 19:29
Day 8 contains dice. Some soldiers played with dice to see who would get Jesus’ robe. John 19:23-24
Day 9 contains a picture of a globe. The world was covered in darkness for three hours. Also, Jesus came to save the whole world. Luke 23:44, John 3:16
Day 10 contains a white cloth. The body of Jesus was wrapped in white cloth for burial. Mark 15:46
Day 11 contains a stone. Early on the third day, the women found the stone of the tomb rolled away. Matthew 28:2
Day 12 is empty. The tomb was empty! Jesus is risen! Matthew 28:6
Click here for the free printable :: Resurrection Eggs
For another Easter activity for kids, be sure to check out these resurrection rolls to make with the whole family!
Oh shoot, I forgot to start on time!
this is great. Everyone can make their own without having to buy them thanks to the tutorial you provided. I bought the actual ones years ago when my kids were little. Like your previous poster there were many times when I forgot to start on time.
Happy Easter!
This is WONDERFUL! Sounds like a good Easter gift for Grandkids too. Maybe next year. So glad I peeked into your blogspot Randi.
This is awesome! Thanks so much for linking up to The Idea Box. I’d love to do an entire featured post on this if you are interested. You can find out how to do that here:
I’d like to suggest that you share the scriptures on Scribd so that other readers can print them off and use too. This idea is a pretty popular one but giving people a freebie that saves them the time would definitely drive a lot more people to your blog and help get you get noticed/ featured more. Just a thought.
Anyways, if you are interested in doing a feature post on My Delicious Ambiguity please get in touch! 🙂
You are welcome! I have always loved this idea and had it on list of things to pick up but when I saw this idea posted by you on a linky, I loved it. Looking forward to using it with my boys!
Adorable. Creative. Genius.
I am having a spring craft linky party and giveaway on my blog this Friday. I would love for you to showcase this wonderful project.
Details are on my blog today.
This is just what I’ve been looking for! Thanks for sharing the how-to and printable.
Visiting from CSI.