I love handmade valentines. There’s something about sitting down with the kids, creating heartfelt valentines, that just feels good. If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out these 37 ideas for handmade valentines. {I categorized them by gender to make it a bit easier but be sure to check out each category … depending on your child’s interests, they might love a nontraditional idea that isn’t typical for their gender.}
Handmade Valentine Cards for Everyone
‘I’m bananas for you’ valentine {pictured}
felt heart piggy bank valentine
‘I think you are a-maze-ing’ valentine {pictured}
‘ i chews you’ bubblegum valentine
‘you blow me away’ whistle valentine
peas and carrots valentine {pictured}
‘I was soapin’ you’d be mine’ valentine {pictured}
‘call me maybe’ crayon valentines
‘pencil me in’ valentines {pictured}
peg doll valentines {pictured}
‘burst my bubble’ balloon valentine
smiley valentine with printable {pictured}
juice box valentine {pictured}
Handmade Valentine Cards for Girls
friendship bracelet valentines
‘i hapPIN to think you’re a great valentine’ bobby pin valentine
Handmade Valentine Cards for Boys
all-star valentine
lightsaber valentines {pictured}
lego valentine
superhero lollipop valentine {pictured}
Thanks so much for including my Blow Me A Kiss! I am flattered
Thanks so much for the feature! 🙂
Thank you for including our! Great list!
Thank you so much for including mine, Randi! You’re the best! 🙂
Nice list! ‘Hope one of my posts will be included in your next round-up. 🙂