It’s the last day of January and it’s time for the monthly wrap-up, a review of some of the month’s most popular posts. To keep up with my daily posts as they happen, be sure to follow Dukes and Duchesses on facebook, twitter, and google plus. And if you just want to peek into regular life or see what I’m loving, follow me on instagram and pinterest.
This month I thought I’d do something a little different and share the top ten posts of the month according to how frequently they were viewed.
10. The Best Crockpot Chili Recipe
9. 15 Ideas for Cleaning Your Home
8. 12 Ways to Use a Letterpress Drawer
7. 20 Ideas to Celebrate the Olympics at Home
6. 10 Quick and Easy Organization Tips
5. 12 Ways to Repurpose a Crib
2. 21 DIY Projects for American Girl Dolls
and 1. 37 Ideas for Handmade Valentines
Which post was your favorite this month?
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