Remember my post about potty training Tate? Well, it worked. She’s officially potty trained!
When Luke and Lila got potty trained, we celebrated with a little potty party. Nothing big, just a way of congratulating them and enforcing the achievement.
Yesterday, Tate had her potty party. Grandma and Poppa came over and we celebrated with cupcakes.
I kept it super simple. Tate chose pink and purple for the party so I pulled some fabric from the stash and covered the table, and cut a few things with my Silhouette.
I made a little badge for Tate to wear {although she carried it around during the afternoon and lost it before the party even started}.
We served chocolate cupcakes … with pink and purple sprinkles, of course. I made little cupcake toppers with cute unders … again, cut with the Silhouette. Can you believe you can download an unders image? I love it!
Tate was so excited about her party …
… and especially happy with the cupcakes.

I’ve started truncating my posts … please pop over to my blog to read the rest!
Cute party! I’ve never heard the term “unders” before. Is it a term used for girls only or boys too?
I really, REALLY, disliked potty training. I’m sure my kids disliked it as well. Fortunately, I have only one left to train (although, if another something doesn’t happen soon I might be looking at another – shhh, about this, in due time). Any tips for training you could pass along. I would like to know a type A’s perspective. 🙂
So darling. Totally jealous. I am still potty training my lil bugger. Maybe it’s time to pull out the potty training party reward…
I love this idea! My 2.5 year old son will go pee pee in the potty when he wants, but I casually tried to get him to do it regularly one day and he had no interest. Not sure if I should push it or not!